SNIC (Syndicat National Interprofessional des Cadres) is a Rwandan trade union composed of Professionals and managerial staff from various professional sectors. SNIC was founded during its first Constituent Assembly which was held in Kigali, on the 17th of February 2007. It is endowed with legal personality following the official publication of its statutes in the Official Gazette N° 16 of 22/April 2013.
“Professionals and Managerial staff enjoying their fundamental labor rights, with
decent working conditions and promoting decent work for all in the society”
“To defend and promote labor rights and interests of professionals and managerial staff whilst contributing to the improvement of socio-economic systems so as to ensure social justice and decent work for all”.
SNIC is a creative trade union of alternative and innovations for decent work and sustainable development. Its action hinges on the following core values: innovation, professionalism , solidarity, social dialogue, social justice.
SNIC (Syndicat National Interprofessional des Cadres) is a Rwandan trade union composed of Professionals and managerial staff from various professional sectors.
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