In 2010, SNIC in collaboration with COTRAF RWANDA with the financial support from KIOS from Finland published research findings on the state of workers’ rights in 18 companies. Later on in July 2013, the same labor rights monitoring was conducted in 28 companies, covering the issues of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining ( ILO conventions N°87 and N°98)
Learning from this rich experience in labor rights monitoring, SNIC has designed the DECENT WORK SCORECARD methodology to provide an innovative tool for participatory monitoring and promotion of the decent work agenda at the establishment level. The project is being implemented in collaboration with various stakeholders.
In 2010, SNIC in collaboration with COTRAF RWANDA with the financial support from KIOS from Finland published research findings on the state of workers’ rights in 18 companies. Later on in July 2013, the same labor rights monitoring was conducted in 28 companies, covering the issues of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining ( ILO conventions N°87 and N°98)
Today, companies and organizations are navigating in a context of rapid changes, ecological and technological transitions. To be sustainable and competitive, they need creative employees who contribute significantly to the corporate innovation process. Through this project, SNIC is contributing to the training and coaching of creative employees and the establishment of working environments that support creativity and innovation for greater productivity and competitiveness
Young students graduate without sufficient skills in creativity and innovation, which are required by the market and nowadays ever challenging context. Through a process of training, coaching and support in creativity and innovation, young professionals are empowered to successfully access the job market as creative employees or creative entrepreneurs.
SNIC (Syndicat National Interprofessional des Cadres) is a Rwandan trade union composed of Professionals and managerial staff from various professional sectors.
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